
Jesus can help me do everything (1)

Jesus can help me choose kindness. The Good Samaritan • Luke 10:25-37 

There was man who was walking to Jericho on day. Suddenly, two robbers came. They hurt and took away his money. He was so hurt that he couldn’t get up. After the robbers left, a man walked past but didn’t help. A second man came and walked past too. That wasn’t kind. Then a third man, a Samaritan, came but now he helped the man who was hurt. He was showing kindness. The Samaritan man bandaged and took the man who was hurt to a place to get better. God can help us choose to be kind. 


1. What happened to the man who was walking to Jericho?

Two robbers came to hurt him and took all his money away.


2. Why did the Samaritan man help the man who was hurt?

The Samaritan man showed kindness by helping.


3. What can you do to show kindness at home?

Being kind to someone will make them happy. When your mother is busy at home, you can choose to be kind by helping her or not messing up your room. When your friends are sad, you can say kind words and give them a hug. At Sunday School, you can show kindness by helping the teachers to give out craft materials to your friends. Jesus can help us choose to be kind to others.