HI Dads and moms!

In encouraging our Primary kids & tweens to know God and make Him known, 
the Primary Ministry is coming up with weekly discipleship videos and family conversation questions! We also have monthly devotionals available for you and your child to dive deeper into God’s Word and also to grow intentionally in their devotional life!

Lastly, if you would like to talk with your child about Salvation in Jesus,
check out this link for more information: cefc.ch/kidsalvation

– CEFC Lower x Upper Primary Ministry Team



Hello Primary Parents and Kids!

Welcome to the start of the new year, join us as we dive deep into God’s word and find meaningful ways to live out God’s truths. As we start this year, we will be starting a new series from Gospel Project. Under Volume 1, they have 3 units and for the month of January and February we will be embarking on unit1, called “God rules over creation

In this series, it talks about how God created the universe out of nothing. The eternal God rules over His creation. Everything was created to give glory to God the Father through His Son, Jesus, but people chose to reject God’s good plan. The whole Bible reveals how Jesus came to restore the relationship between God and humanity.

Who is God? God is our Creator and the King of everything.

More details on our weekly sessions will be shared with you in your respective centres! Should you be new or wish to find out more, you can write in to tng.admin@cefc.org.sg or connect with the respective centre’s ministry staff and leaders!

God bless!




Sunday | 8.45am – 10.00am

Sunday | 10.30am – 11.45am

Chapel (L3)


Sunday | 8.45am – 10.00am

Sunday | 10.45am – 12.00pm

LP @ Chapel (L4)

UP @ Peace & Patience Room (L4)

Sunday | 09.00am – 10.15am

Suntec City, Room 331 and 334