HI Dads and moms!
As we begin a new series each month, please watch our preview videos at: cefc.ch/monthpreviewvideo to find out more on what we’re sharing for the month.
You can also check out this simple tool that allows you to talk with your child about Salvation in Jesus at: cefc.ch/kidsalvation
– CEFC Preschool Ministry Team
Memory Verse : “And the power of the Lord was with Jesus.” Luke 5:17, NIV
Jesus can help people.
Healing a Man Born Blind • John 9:1-11
Jesus sees a man who was born blind. Jesus kneels down and begins making mud with dirt and His own spit. Then Jesus spreads the mud on the man’s eyes and tells him to go wash in a pool of water. The man who was born blind becomes the man who can see for the first time! Jesus can do anything.
1. How does Jesus want to help the blind man see?
“He makes some mud with dirt and spit to spread on the man’s eyes.”
2. How does the man finally be able to see?
“He can see because Jesus has the power to do anything.”
3. What is one good thing you want to ask Jesus to do?
Jesus can do anything because He is very powerful. He wants to use His power to help people who need help. He can help the poor to have food to eat. He can help those who are very sick to get better. He can help you not to be afraid when you are feeling afraid. Jesus wants to help because He loves us.
Sunday | 8.45am – 10.00am
Sunday | 10.30am – 11.45am
3-4 yos @ Joy 2 (L1)
5-6 yos @ Peace 1 & 2 (L1)
Sunday | 8.45am – 10.00am
Sunday | 10.45am – 12.00pm
Gentleness Room (L4)
Goodness Room (L4)
Kindness Room (L4)