HI Dads and moms!

As we begin a new series each month, please watch our preview videos at: cefc.ch/monthpreviewvideo to find out more on what we’re sharing for the month.

You can also check out this simple tool that allows you to talk with your child about Salvation in Jesus at: cefc.ch/kidsalvation

 – CEFC Preschool Ministry Team


JESUS is GOD’s SON (4)

Memory Verse : “God has given a Son to us.” Isaiah 9:6, NCV 

We celebrate Christmas to show everyone that Jesus is special. 

Happy Birthday, Jesus! • Luke 1:26-33, 38, 2:1-20

When Jesus was born, there were so much excitement. Angels appearing in the sky singing to God with loud joyous praises. The shepherds were very excited as they ran to see baby Jesus. And after that, they went everywhere to tell everyone about this great news that Jesus was born! It was a night worth celebrating. Jesus is so special because He is God’s Son. 



1. Why were the angels and shepherds celebrating?

“They celebrated because baby Jesus was born.”  


2. What is so special about Jesus? 

“Jesus is special because He is God’s Son.” 


3. How would you like to celebrate Jesus this Christmas?

What do we do on the day when someone is born? We celebrate with a birthday party! That’s exactly what we’re going to do for Jesus. It’s time for us to show and tell Jesus how special He is! So, pull out the hats, cupcakes, party horns, and confetti, and we will tell the story of Jesus’ birth. Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. We celebrate Christmas to show everyone that Jesus is special because He is God’s Son.




Sunday | 8.45am – 10.00am

Sunday | 10.30am – 11.45am

3-4 yos @ Joy 2 (L1)

5-6 yos @ Peace 1 & 2 (L1)


Sunday | 8.45am – 10.00am

Sunday | 10.45am – 12.00pm

Gentleness Room (L4)

Goodness Room (L4)

Kindness Room (L4)


Sunday | 9.00am – 10.15am

                  Suntec City, Room 332