
JESUS is GOD’s SON (5)

Memory Verse : “God has given a Son to us.” Isaiah 9:6, NCV 

The wise men travel a long way to show Jesus they believe He is special. 

The Wise Men • Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11

After Jesus is born, God puts a special star in the sky. The wise men follow the star a long way until it stops right over young Jesus’ house. When the wise men see Jesus, they bow down and worship Him to show that Jesus is special. Then, they gave Jesus gifts to show that Jesus is special. Jesus is special because Jesus is God’s Son.



1. How did the wise men find baby Jesus?

“They followed the star that points to where Jesus was born.” 


2. Why did the wise men bow down to worship Jesus?

“They worship Jesus because He is God’s Son.


3. How would you like to show that Jesus is special? 

Jesus is special because He is God’s Son. There are many ways to show that Jesus is special. We can sing praises to Him all the time. We can serve and help our friends and teachers in Sunday School. We can show and tell our friends that Jesus is God’s Son that He cares for everyone. We can also pray for anyone who needs help.