

Memory Verse : “God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9, NLT

God always hears me. 

Hagar and Ishmael • Genesis 21:14-20 

Hagar and her son Ishmael were in a desert, and they ran out of water to drink. They were very thirsty. Hagar and her son began to cry. An angel of God told Hagar, “God has heard the boy crying.” God was with Hagar and Ishmael. God helped Hagar see a well of water. Hagar quickly gave Ishmael some water to drink. God heard Hagar and Ishmael because God was always with them.


1. Why were Hagar and Ishmael crying?

“They were crying because they had no water to drink.”


2. Why did God give them water to drink?

 “God heard them crying and gave them water to drink.” 


3. Is there anything you want to tell God about?

God is always with us. He will hear us when we talk to Him. If you are sad, He will hear you when you tell Him how you feel. When you are afraid, He will care for you when you tell Him how you feel. When you ask God to help somebody, He will answer your prayer because He hears you. God hears because He loves you.