

Memory Verse“You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14, NIrV

Jesus said to love one another. 

Jesus Gives a New Command • John 4:1-30, 13:34-35; Luke 18:15-16, 19:1-10 

Jesus told His followers to love one another the way He had loved them. And how did Jesus show them how to love like Him? Well, Jesus loved the little children. Jesus loved the Samaritan woman at the well, and Jesus loved Zacchaeus, a tax collector who made bad choices. Jesus loved everyone no matter what! 


1. Who are the people that Jesus loves?

“He loves everyone no matter who they are or what they did.”


2. Why does Jesus love them?

 “Jesus loves them because God made them all special.” 


3. Is there anyone that you want to love today?

One of the most important things that Jesus teaches us in to love everyone just like Him. There are poor people who do not have enough money to buy things. There are people who work at the supermarket or those who come from another country to work on construction sites. Or there may be people who say nasty things about you. Jesus loves them all and we should also love them just like Jesus.