

Jesus and the Children • Luke 18:15-16 

One day when Jesus was teaching, some people brought their children to see Him. But the disciples told the children to go away. Jesus called the children to Him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me!’ Jesus opened His arms wide, and the children went to Him. They were able to be near Him and know how much Jesus loved them.


What did the disciples do?

 “The disciples chased the children away from Jesus.” 


 Why did Jesus call the children to himself?”

 “Jesus loved all the children and wanted them to come to him.” 


Who are the children that Jesus would want to hug?

Jesus loves everyone. He wants everyone to come to him – young or old, tall or thin, girl or boy. Nobody is too young to come to Jesus. Nobody is ‘not good enough’ for Jesus to love. We must tell everyone to Jesus loves them. You can always talk to Jesus and He will listen to you.