
Jesus Wants To Be My Friend Forever (3)

Peter Goes to the House of Cornelius • Acts 10

In the Bible there was a man called Peter. Jesus taught Peter to love everyone. So he told everyone the Jesus loved them and wanted to be their friend forever. He told a man called Cornelius who was a Roman Officer in the army. Cornelius was so happy to hear that Jesus wanted to be his friend forever. So he got his family together to hear about the good news too. They all believed in Jesus and became friends with Him forever. 


1. Why did Peter tell Cornelius about Jesus?

 “God told Peter to tell everyone including Cornelius about Jesus.”


2. What did Cornelius do when he knew that Jesus was his friend?

He got all his family to hear about the good news of Jesus. 


3. Is there anyone that you want to tell about the good news of Jesus?

Jesus wants us to be a friend to everyone forever. But there are many people who still do not know who Jesus is. We can tell everyone about the good news that Jesus wants to be their friend forever. We can tell our neighbours about Jesus. We can tell our friends at school about Jesus. We can also tell the fruit seller in the market about Jesus. God wants everyone to know Jesus as their friend forever.