Memory Verse : “A friend loves you all the time.” Proverbs 17:17, NCV
Jesus is a good friend to everyone!
Zacchaeus • Luke 19:1-10
Zacchaeus is a tax collector which means his job is to take money from people. One day, Zacchaeus hears that Jesus is coming to the town. He wants to see Jesus so badly that he climbs a tree to get a better view. When Jesus sees Zacchaeus, Jesus tells him to come down and that He is going to Zacchaeus’ house. Wow! Because Jesus wants to be his friend, he is so happy that he gives back all the money he had taken from the people. Jesus is a good friend to Zacchaeus even when he did unkind things, and because of this, Zacchaeus wanted to be a good friend to others too!