
God Gave Us Jesus (5)

Memory VerseGod loves the world so much that He gave His only Son. John 3:16

The wise men go to see Jesus, God’s Son. 

The Wise Men • Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11

The were people called the wise men. They waited for God to send them someone who was very special. After Jesus was born, God put a bright star in the sky to help show the wise men the way to Jesus so that they could celebrate Him. The wise men followed the star and finally came to the place where Jesus was born. When they saw Jesus, they gave Him gifts and worshipped Him.


1. How did the wise men manage to find Jesus?

“They followed the bright star in the sky to find Jesus.”


2. What did they do when they saw Jesus?

“They gave gifts and bowed down to worship Jesus.”


3. What gifts would you like to give Jesus on this Christmas?

The wise men travelled a long way just to see Jesus. They were willing to do so because they wanted to worship Him. When we love Jesus, we will do anything to worship Jesus because He is so special. He loves us very much and wants to become our very best friend. We can celebrate Jesus all year long.