

God loves me when I’m sad. Hannah Is Sad • 1 Samuel 1:2-20 

There was a woman called Hannah. She was very sad because she didn’t have a baby. She watched how other mothers were so happy because they can play with their babies. She wanted to be a mother so much but she couldn’t. So she talked to God and shared how she felt. God loved her so much and listened to her. God loved her even when Hannah was sad. After talking to God, she felt much better. 


1. Why was Hannah feeling sad?

“Hannah was feeling sad because she didn’t have a baby.” 

2. Why did Hannah feel better after talking to God?

“Hannah knew that God loved her even when she was feeling sad.” 

 3. What are some sad moments that you can talk to God about?

We feel sad once in a while. We feel sad when we fall sick. We feel sad because we can’t go to kindergarten to play with our friends. We feel sad when we can’t eat the food that we like. We feel sad when our toys get broken. But God still loves us when we feel sad. He wants to know why we feel sad. We can talk to Him anytime. He loves us no matter what.