

Memory Verse“Let your light shine.” Matthew 5:16

Jesus says to let my light shine.

Light of the World • Matthew 5:1-2, 14-16

Jesus said to His friends, “You are the light of the world.” He didn’t mean that they were to be lamps or flashlights. He was trying to explain to them that people could see better in the dark when there was light. And Jesus would like people to see that God loves and cares for them. The best way to do that was for His friends to love everybody and care for them. If they did that, people would see God’s love for them, just like how they could see in the dark with the light.


1. What did Jesus want His friends to be?

 “Jesus wanted His friends to be the light of the world.” 


2. What will people see when we are the “light” for Jesus? 

People will see that Jesus loves and cares for them.


3. In what ways can you be the light for Jesus?

Jesus wants us to be the light of the world. When we shine for Him, people will see that Jesus loves and cares for them. When we are kind to others, they will see that Jesus is kind to them. When you forgive people, they will see that Jesus can forgive too. If you don’t share good things with others, you are hiding your light. So shine your light by being good to everyone so that people will know that Jesus loves them.