
Jesus Loves Everyone (1)

Memory Verse“Be kind and loving to each other.” Ephesians 4:32 

Jesus Loves Everyone

The Man with Leprosy • Matthew 8:1-3; Mark 1:40-45

There was a man who was sick with a skin disease called leprosy – there were spots all over his body and no medicines or doctors who can help him. People were scared to be near him, so they stayed far away. Nobody wanted to be his friend. So he was alone and was very sad. One day Jesus came to town. The sick man knelt and asked Jesus to make him better. Jesus didn’t walk away like the other people. Instead, He touched the man and immediately the skin disease went away. He was now healed. Jesus loved this man when no one did.


1. Why did the people avoid this man?

“The people avoided him because he had a skin disease.”


2. What did Jesus do when the man knelt and asked for help?

“Jesus did not walk away but made him better instead.”


3. What makes Jesus love you?

Sometimes you might feel that no one wants to play with you. Or that you feel that nobody loves you and you feel sad and lonely. However, Jesus would not do that. He wants to play with you. When you are lonely, He is there so that you can talk to Him. Jesus is God’s Son and He loves everyone no matter what people think of you, just like how He loves the man with leprosy. Jesus wants to be everyone’s best friend.