
Jesus Loves Everyone (2)

Memory Verse“Be kind and loving to each other.” Ephesians 4:32 

Jesus Loves Everyone

The Unloved Woman • John 8:2-11

There was a woman who made many bad choices and nobody wanted to be her friend. It made her very sad and lonely. One day when Jesus was teaching out on the street, some people brought this woman to Jesus and asked Him to punish her. They were certainly not her friends. But since Jesus loves everyone, He asked the people if they have ever made wrong choices in their lives. No one stepped forward but quietly left because they had also made mistakes. Jesus didn’t punish the woman but told her not to make bad choices again. He did this because He wanted to be her friend.


1. Why didn’t the people want to be friends with the woman?

 “The people didn’t want to be her friends because she made many bad choices.” 


2. Why did the people walk away quietly from Jesus?

“The people walked away because they also made many bad choices”


3. Are there any bad choices that you want to say sorry to Jesus for?

Sometimes we make bad choices like throwing tantrums and refusing to obey our parents. Or maybe we take away toys that don’t belong to us. This will make God and people who love us to feel sad. But we can say sorry to Jesus and stop making bad choices again. Jesus will not chase us away. He will always love us and help us to make the right choices. He will always be our best friend.