
Jesus wants to be my friend forever. (1)

Memory Verse“I have called you friends.” John 15:15

Jesus wants to be friends with everyone, everywhere.

Woman at the Well • John 4:1-30

Jesus has walked for a long time. He was tired and thirsty, so he sat down by a well. A woman came to draw water from the well. Jesus asked the woman for a drink but she was surprised that Jesus talked to her. The people from the woman’s town were not friends to people from Jesus’ town. Jesus told her that He is God’ Son and He wanted to be her friend forever. She was so excited that she ran back to her town to tell everyone to come see Jesus.


1. Why was the woman surprised to hear Jesus asking for a drink?

 “She was surprised because both their own people were not friends. 


2. Why was she excited later?

She was excited because Jesus wanted to be her friend forever.”


3. Who wants to be your friend forever?

Jesus wants to be friends with everyone no matter who they are or where they live. They can be living in a very cold place where it snows every day, or in a very hot place where not many trees can grow. They can be a very old person or a very young baby. Jesus loves you and wants to be your friend forever. You can tell your neighbour about this good news.