
Jesus wants to be my friend forever (2)

We celebrate our friend, Jesus.  Palm Sunday • Matthew 21:1-11, 15-16  This is a story of Palm Sunday, which happened in Jerusalem. On that day when lots of people were around, someone shouted “Jesus is coming!” Everyone got excited because they knew that Jesus was a good man and a friend to everyone. Jesus came riding on a donkey and all the people waved palm leaves to welcome him. They shouted “Hosanna! Hosanna! Yay Jesus!”. 


1. How did Jesus come into Jerusalem?

“Jesus rode on a donkey when He went into Jerusalem.”

2. What did the people do to welcome Jesus?

“They waved palm branches and shouted ‘Hosanna! Hosanna! Yay Jesus!’” 

3. What are the things at home you can use to wave and welcome Jesus?

Jesus is such a special friend to everyone. That was why the people waved palm branches to celebrate and welcome Jesus. We can wave palm branches to celebrate Him, or just wave our hands if we don’t have any palm branches. Jesus wants to be your friend too because He loves you. Lift up your hands now and shout, “Hosanna! Hosanna! Yay Jesus!”